Imagine being the oldest daughter in a large Guatemalan family. Your mother cannot read or write; your father and brothers work to support the family and for you, well, the future is not exactly bright. Your mother needs your help with the ...
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There are so many ways to contribute to the greater good of the world these days. You can feed the homeless, give diapers to a struggling single mom with a baby, or help build a house for someone in need. They are all good things. Read more

Imagine living in a rural part of Laos, where the paths are bumpy and hard to walk on without tripping on a root or stumbling in a small hole. Now imagine traveling that path in a wheelchair. Y...
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This is John. As a young man living in Malawi, John was struggling. He couldn’t see anything. Well, maybe not anything, but he couldn’t see well at all. He went to school and studied, but s...
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At Panda we believe the pursuit of knowledge is a human right and that access to education is an essential foundation for thriving communities. That's why we pay forward a portion of each sale from the Pan...
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Panda is proud to partner with Optometry Giving Sight, a non-profit bringing eye exams, prescription glasses, and medical training to underserved communities. We are committed to v...
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You’ve heard the saying, ‘What a difference a day makes,’ but you might not know what a difference a watch makes. Here are a few things that have happened because people have bought watches from...
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