There are many rules to remember when it comes to styling watches for men. The first and foremost seems to be remembering that they are a functional accessory. Men don’t get a lot of accessories, so the ones they have, they need to remember to use well. Don’t impede the fun...
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Imagine being the oldest daughter in a large Guatemalan family. Your mother cannot read or write; your father and brothers work to support the family and for you, well, the future is not exactly bright. Your mother needs your help with the ...
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Imagine living in a rural part of Laos, where the paths are bumpy and hard to walk on without tripping on a root or stumbling in a small hole. Now imagine traveling that path in a wheelchair. Y...
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At Panda we believe the pursuit of knowledge is a human right and that access to education is an essential foundation for thriving communities. That's why we pay forward a portion of each sale from the Pan...
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You’ve heard the saying, ‘What a difference a day makes,’ but you might not know what a difference a watch makes. Here are a few things that have happened because people have bought watches from...
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